This cheerful flower arrangement combines fluffy Hydrangea, delicate Phalaenopsis, and playful Craspedia, all elegantly nestled in a sleek white ceramic vase. Perfect for lifting someone's spirits, celebrating a birthday, or simply brightening a day "just because," this arrangement radiates joy and freshness.
Features Blue Hydrangea, White Phalaenopsis (tubed fleurettes), and Yellow Craspedia
Designed in 5in White Ceramic Vase
Arrangement measures approximately 8"H x 8"W
This cheerful flower arrangement combines fluffy Hydrangea, delicate Phalaenopsis, and playful Craspedia, all elegantly nestled in a sleek white ceramic vase. Perfect for lifting someone's spirits, celebrating a birthday, or simply brightening a day "just because," this arrangement radiates joy and freshness.
Features Blue Hydrangea, White Phalaenopsis (tubed fleurettes), and Yellow Craspedia
Designed in 5in White Ceramic Vase
Arrangement measures approximately 8"H x 8"W
This cheerful flower arrangement combines fluffy Hydrangea, delicate Phalaenopsis, and playful Craspedia, all elegantly nestled in a sleek white ceramic vase. Perfect for lifting someone's spirits, celebrating a birthday, or simply brightening a day "just because," this arrangement radiates joy and freshness.
Features Blue Hydrangea, White Phalaenopsis (tubed fleurettes), and Yellow Craspedia
Designed in 5in White Ceramic Vase
Arrangement measures approximately 8"H x 8"W
Good to Know:
Product image is an example of the overall look & feel of the design
Each arrangement is made-to-order with the freshest product available.
Comparable substitutions may occur due to quality & availability.
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